Siria: “Empowerment of Civil Society in Idlib Governorate”

Country: Syria; Idlib province

Intervention area:

Institutional lenders: European Union

The intervention is located in 8 sub-districts of the Governorate of Idlib, in North-Western Syria, and it aims at the strategic strengthening of the Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) of that area, improving and developing their technical skills so that they can be the driving force of a recovery of the country.

Staff and volunteers from the 51 selected CSOs will participate in a training program on topics such as strategic planning, financial and project management, fundraising and advocacy, which will allow them to work more efficiently and effectively with their communities, to identify needs, build partnerships, co-design responses in a participatory way and attract funding. The training phase will be followed by an operational phase in which the selected CSOs will be invited to present their project proposal, thus putting the acquired skills to the test, and seizing the opportunity to receive funding to implement interventions for the benefit of their community.

On the basis of predefined criteria, an Evaluation Committee will select at least 10 projects from 10 different CSOs, which will receive funding of €10,000.00 each to start interventions to promote stability and social cohesion. Finally, through the organization of public events to strengthen the perception of CSOs as reliable and effective partners in promoting positive changes within communities, the project also intends to promote the development of a network of local CSOs which will allow for greater cooperation and coordination of medium-term initiatives.

Improved organizational stability, the enhancement of human resources, increased transparency through good governance practices and the adoption of more strategic perspectives, will also help to create a favorable environment for building long-term partnerships.

Ai.Bi. will carry out the intervention in collaboration with its long-time local partner Kids Paradise, whose knowledge of the context allows us to understand the needs of the local population and suggest which actions are necessary.